
Home Base Iowa

The comprehensive source for job services available to veterans.
If you’re a veteran or know someone who is, we encourage you to bookmark the Home Base Iowa site. Home Base Iowa is here to help veterans find jobs, explore career paths, and make a smooth transition to civilian life in Iowa.

In an ideal world, someone who has mastered the challenges of military life would find countless opportunities back home. Home Base Iowa has developed it’s site to provide countless resources on opportunities in Iowa.

It’s an honor to assist you in any way. That’s why the Home Base Iowa site features job postings, links to job fairs, and up-to-date information about educational opportunities, National Guard recruiting, job training, and much more.
If you have questions, please call 855-9HB-IOWA (855-942-4692) or email


Charles City has the tools for industry, one of which is a competitive labor supply. Being the largest city in Floyd County, Charles City serves not only as the county seat, but also as the regional trade area and principal employment center. Employers in Charles City benefit from low absenteeism, low turnover rates, and competitive wages.

Many of those searching for employment opportunity in Charles City are highly skilled and accustomed to international customer service or working in clean rooms for complex chemical and pharmaceutical product manufacturing.